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The Story of Karthika and our dear Paathu: A Life Shaped by Travel


Growing Up with a Routine of Travel

With relatives spread across different locations, Karthika’s family traveled during almost every vacation, making travel a routine part of life. This early exposure to different environments laid the foundation for her love of exploring new places.

Becoming Part of Appooppanthaadi

Karthika has been part of Appooppanthaadi—an initiative for women to travel together—since its inception. She was involved in the early discussions when Sajna Ali conceived the idea. This initiative gave Karthika a sense of community and encouraged her to continue her passion for travel, despite facing challenges along the way.

Overcoming Challenges: Juggling Work, Family, and Health

Finding Balance


Traveling with Prarthana: A Journey in Parenthood

Starting Young: The First Trip

Karthika started taking her daughter Prarthana on trips when she was just 1.5 years old. Initially, Karthika was hesitant about traveling with a baby, but her mother’s encouragement gave her the confidence she needed. Her priority was simply to bring Prarthana along and expose her to the world of travel from an early age. Karthika wanted her daughter to experience various environments and social situations, hoping this would help her become comfortable and adaptable.

Planning Ahead for Every Trip

Since Prarthana was still dependent on milk and homemade formula, and in diapers during those early trips, Karthika meticulously planned and packed everything from diapers to emergency medications for stomach aches and allergies. The habit of careful planning has continued, ensuring her daughter’s well-being throughout their adventures.


Prarthana’s Growing Enthusiasm for Travel

Developing a Love for Nature and Adventure


Memorable Trips: From Manali to Kashmir

The Long Journey to Manali

One of their first long trips was when Prarthana was five years old, visiting the snowy landscapes of Manali. Karthika made sure to pack extra clothes, medications, and winter essentials for Prarthana, who is prone to allergic colds and wheezing. This careful planning ensured that her daughter could fully enjoy her first experience with snow.

Cherished Family Moments in Kashmir


Lessons in Parenting Through Travel

Facing Health Challenges

Not all trips went smoothly. During their Kashmir trip, Prarthana experienced severe indigestion. Despite carrying medication, it didn’t help. Fortunately, a couple of doctors in their travel group provided the right medicine, allowing Prarthana to recover quickly and continue enjoying the trip.

Preparing for Success


Karthika’s Philosophy on Traveling with Children

Embracing the Crankiness

Karthika understands why some parents avoid traveling with children—kids can get cranky or bored. However, she believes that once children become accustomed to travel, they adapt much more easily. According to Karthika, travel provides children with valuable lessons in adapting to new environments, exploring the world, and becoming independent.

The Importance of Early Exposure